A look at the book on the 750th anniversary of Metzenseifen
A look at the book on the 750th anniversary of Metzenseifen
Photo: © H. Schleusener/www.metzenseifen.de
Registered researchers: 464 (of which are active: 265 )You are visitor # 881,374 Online:
About this site

This is a non-commercial site, based on data contributed by visitors and researchers. It has two primary objectives:
- The site serves as an introduction to the history and culture of twin Slovakian villages, Unter-Metzenseifen and Ober-Metzenseifen, both as they existed prior to 1900 and as they are now (The current names of the villages are Medzev and Vyšný Medzev) and the neighbouring town Stoß (Stos).
For the casual visitor, there are home page tabs accessing history, handicraft and cultural information, as well as travel and mapping data. These sections are freely available to all visitors.
- It provides support for genealogical researchers whose prior family history is associated with the two Metzenseifen villages. This includes access to birth, marriage, death and cemetery records for the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Since the genealogical data base area also contains a listing of researcher names, addresses and areas of interest, access to this section is restricted for security purposes, to prevent spam and malicious email abuse. Serious researchers can apply for a password and login name by following the procedures in the registration section (please see the Misc. tab.).

Again, we extend our sincere thanks for the data and other information provided by earlier visitors and researchers.

Information/What is new?
02/06/2025: Johann Schürger from Ober-Metzenseifen celebrated his 95th birthday »»
01/16/2025: The Metzenseifen song can be played from the home (start)page »»
10/03/2024: New documents: Vorfahrensuche mit überraschendem Ergebnis »»
09/25/2024: New documents: Ein außergewöhnlicher Galaabend mit Modenschau »»
09/12/2024: New documents:Hochtechnologie aus Ober-Metzenseifen »»
08/12/2024: New documents: Viel Glück und Gesundheit »»
08/10/2024: New documents: Berühmte Zipser: Nikolaus Szontagh »»
08/06/2024: New documents: Mantakische Tage in Ober-Metzenseifen »»
07/24/2024: New documents: Berühmte Zipser: Hobbymaler Zoltán Sohler »»
07/10/2024: Kornelia Balčak (Bröstl) added as writer »»
07/10/2024: New documents: Verleihung des Preises der Stadt Metzenseifen »»
06/10/2024: New documents: Exhibition Helmut Bistika »»
12/14/2023: Videos from the concert of the Metzenseifner Chor Melodie on December 10th, 2023 »»
12/04/2023: Publications about Metzenseifen and Zips can also be found here. »»
12/04/2023: Old videos (2008-2010) of the churches have been reactivated »»
We remember family
Family of Luis John Gaspar Sr
The  family photo is around 1918: seated left  is Louis John Gaspar, Sr. and  right is Agnes (nee Stark) Gaspar.  Standing immediate left of Louis Sr. is  Albert Steven while between Louis Sr. and Agnes (nee Stark) Gaspar is  Dorothy Alice and standing in rear left to right are Louis John, Jr., Eilzabeth Marie, John Louis and Agnes M.
Genealogical calendar of Metzenseifen 1825
February 1825 
Events for 18. February
Legend: * bir. mar.  + death
Searching for ancestors »»
Surname (Frequency )
Gedeon/Gedohn (101)
Schmoczer/Schmotzer (45)
Eiben/Eyben (37)
Francz/Frantz/Franz (31)
Starck/Stark (27)
Tischler (27)
Friedl (26)
Goebl/Göbl/Göbel (26)
Bröstl/Brösztl/Broestl/Broestel (23)
Tomasch (20)
Meder/Meeder (19)
Millner/Milner/Muller/Mueller/ Müller/Muellner/Müllner (19)
Antel/Antl (18)
Balass/Balasch/Ballasch/Ballasz (18)
Schurger/Schuerger/Schürger/Schirger (18)
Schuster (18)
Grenczer/Grentzer (17)
Kosman/Kozman (16)
Kund/Kundt/Kundtz (16)
Schmidt/Schmiedt (16)
Bodenlos/Bodenlosz (15)
Orient (14)
Stromp/Strompl/Stroempl/Strömpl (14)
Frind/Frindt (14)
Fabian (11)
Vagner/Wagner (11)
Benedik (10)
Holop/Hollop/Holub/Hollup (10)
Koosch/Koos/Kosch (10)
Roob (10)
Schwartz/Schwarz (10)
Stefani/Stephany (10)
Pimsner/Pimzner (9)
Quallich (9)
Schmidl/Schmiedl (9)
Fröhlich (7)
Reitz (7)
Krupitzer (6)
Scholcz/Scholtz/Scholz (6)
Tache (6)
Taub (6)
Gaspar (6)
Kovacs (6)
Flachbart/Flachbarth (5)
Gloszner (5)
Bistika (4)
Böhm/Boehm (4)
Monich/Mönich/Munich (4)
Quirschfeld/Kirschfeld (4)
Sorger (4)
Repko (4)
Bernath (3)
Hübler/Huebler (3)
Klein (3)
Vind/Wind/Windt (3)
Schneider (3)
Freytag (3)
Filkorn (2)
Imling (2)
Lepesch (2)
Ludvig/Ludwig (2)
Potra (2)
Revitzky (2)
Braun (2)
Kleis/Kleisz (2)
Gallus (2)
Herich (2)
Czipszer/Zipser (1)
Grollmus (1)
Progner (1)
Rencz/Renz (1)
Roth (1)
Tremko (1)
Csilcser (1)
Paulitsky (1)
Teuerkauf (1)
Valenbek (1)
Tanczer/Tanzer (1)
Edel (1)
Pato (1)
Horvath (1)