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Do you have ancestors from Metzenseifen?

The menu points Genealogy, Database, Family Tree, GeoInfo and Misc. of the web site contain genealogical (birth, marriage, and death) data and additional information on or regarding persons born in Ober- or Unter-Metzenseifen.
As this is not a commercial web site, it has no advertising and doesn't transmit spam. Access is made freely available to all researchers interested in Metzenseifen. To protect both the addresses and the personal data of registered users, as well as the continually expanding data base, certain areas (Access for registered user only) of the site are protected by a log-in and password requirement.
All genealogical data are based on family documents and/or parish register entries and sent by persons with ancestors from one or both of the two Metzenseifen villages.
If you have roots in Metzenseifen, please share your data by using the registration page or contact admin (at) by eMail.

Jim O'Hara (database admin) and Heinz Schleusener (web admin)